Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Keynesian Theory of Inflation and Unemployment Essay

Keynesian Theory of Inflation and Unemployment - Essay Example Inflation, on the other hand, referrers increase in prices of products and services in any given economy, with a particular period duration. Essentially, when prices are high, amount of goods and services, which can be, bought using a particular amount of money becomes fewer (Burda & Wyplosz 1997). Disequilibrium positions of inflation Keynes disagrees with the economists of the classical argument. According to the argument by Keynes, market systems do not lead to automatic full-employment equilibrium (Warburton 1966). However, the economic systems could attain equilibrium at any range of unemployment. This implied that the interventionists’ policies would not apply. Keynesian argument can be represented in a circular flow of revenue (Warburton 1966). Extra aggregate demand within the economic system forces firms to absorb more employees. According to Keynes, markets are bound to exhibit disequilibrium of various forms (positions) of inflation, which have been pointed in the K eynesian theory of inflation. ... Similarly, aggregate supply can be indicated by Y = C + S because the market value of the total p[roduction of one year is called national income may be divided into consumption and saving. In this way, national income will be determined at the point where following conditions will be fulfilled; aggregate demand = aggregate supply; total expenditure = total income; C + I = C + S; I = S. This can be explained by the help of the following diagram: In the above diagram, along X-axis we have measured national income and employment level and along Y-axis consumption and investment. C curve is consumption curve which moves from left to right upwards. The assumption is that investment remains the same at all levels of income, so C + I curve will remain parallel to C.C + I curve indicates aggregate demand or the total expenditure at different levels of income. The income will be in equilibrium at the point where C intersects Y. in other words, aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply or total expenditure is equal to total income when income is OM. From the point where Y and M intersect, to M, gives the effective demand since at this point, aggregate supply is equal to aggregate demand. If income is higher than OM, aggregate supply will be greater than aggregate demand and there will be overproduction. The profits of the producers will fall and they will produce less in the next year, so income will decrease. Similarly, if income is lower than OM, aggregate demand will be greater than aggregate supply and it will be profitable to produce more and more and as a result of this, income will increase. In this way, income will be determined at OM and this is the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pressure Groups Essay Example for Free

Pressure Groups Essay Pressure groups play an important role in indian politics Pressure groups provide the link between the people and the government. A pressure group is an organised body of individuals who share some goals and who try to influence public policy. Pressure groups are a vital part of a healthy democracy. Indeed the sustained and rapid expansion of pressure group activity and involvement in the political process is often heralded as a sign of growing political involvement among many thousands of people. Pressure groups Promote discussion and debate and mobilise public opinion on key issues ,they perform a role in educating citizens about specific issues , they can enhance democratic participation, pluralism and diversity, they raise and articulate issues that political parties perhaps wont touch because of their sensitivity e. g. The 2011 Indian anti-corruption movement were a series of demonstrations and protests across India which intended to establish strong legislation and enforcement against endemic political corruption. ake the example of the recent gang rape case. The people of delhi, and then the entire country joined to form a pressure group and forced the govt. to make fast track courts so that the culprits could be punished as soon as possible. There is intense pressure on the government to make harsher laws for rape . pressure groups provide an important access point for those seeking redress of grievance They represent minorities who cannot represent themselves Groups can be an important and valuable source of specialist information for an overloaded legislature and civil service Many groups play an important role in implementing changes to public policy Pressure groups encourage a decentralisation of power within the political system. They act as a check and balance to the power of executive government. Several laws have been made , several ministers and beaureacrats who were corrupt, were asked to go because of the pressure groups. Several states have been made because of pressure groups. Prices of public utilities like electricity , water have been reduced because of pressure groups. Farmers have got the right price for their commodities because of pressure groups. So we can see that pressure groups are a must for democracy, and they strengthen democracy and not weaken it.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

macbeth :: essays research papers

MACBETH, it is probable, was the last-written of the four great tragedies, and immediately preceded Antony and Cleopatra.(note 1, p 331]. In that play Shakespeare's final style appears for the first time completely formed, and the transition to this style is much more decidedly visible in Macbeth than in King Lear .Yet in certain respects Macbeth recalls Hamlet rather than Othello or King Lear. In the heroes of both plays the passage from thought to a critical resolution and action is difficult, and excites the keenest interest. In neither play, as in Othello and King Lear, is painful pathos one of the main effects. Evil, again, though it shows in Macbeth a prodigious energy, is not the icy or stony inhumanity of lago or Goneril; and, as in Hamlet, it is pursued by remorse. Finally, Shakespeare no longer restricts the action to purely human agencies, as in the two preceding tragedies; portents once more fill the heavens, ghosts rise from their graves, an unearthly light flickers about the head of the doomed man. The special popularity of Hamlet and Macbeth is due in part to some of these common characteristics, notably to the fascination of the supernatural, the absence of the spectacle of extreme undeserved suffering, the absence of characters which horrify and repel and yet are destitute of grandeur. The reader who looks unwillingly at lago gazes at Lady Macbeth in awe, because though she is dreadful she is also sublime. The whole tragedy is sublime. In this, however, and in other respects, Macbeth makes an impression quite different from that of Hamlet. The dimensions of the principal characters, the rate of movement in the action, the supernatural effect, the style, the versification, are an changed; and they are all changed in much the same manner. In many parts of Macbeth there is in the language a peculiar compression, pregnancy, energy, even violence; the harmonious grace and even flow, often conspicuous in Hamlet, have almost disappeared. The chief characters, built on a scale at least as large as that of Othello, seem to attain at times an almost superhuman stature. The diction has in places a huge and rugged grandeur, which degenerates here and there into tumidity. The solemn majesty of the royal Ghost in Hamlet, appearing in armour and standing silent in the moonlight, is exchanged for shapes of horror, dimly seen in the murky air or revealed by the glare of the cauldron fire in a dark cavern, or for the ghastly face of Banquo badged with blood and staring

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Exercise 40 Chi Squared

Researchers routinely choose an ? -level of 0. 05 for testing their hypotheses. What are some experiments for which you might want a lower ? -level (e. g. , 0. 01)? What are some situations in which you might accept a higher level (e. g. , 0. 1)? An alpha level of 0. 05 is arbitrary and was set as a standard by scientists. One of the key concepts in hypothesis testing is that of significance level or, the alpha level, which specifies the probability level for the evidence to be an unreasonable estimate.Unreasonable means that the estimate should not have taken its particular value unless some non-chance factor(s) had operated to alter the nature of the sample such that it was no longer representative of the population of interest. (Price, 2000) As a researcher, you have complete control over the value of this significance level. The alpha level should be considered based on the research context and of the researcher’s personal convictions about how strong they want the evidenc e to be, before concluding that a particular estimate is reasonable or unreasonable. Price, 2000) An alpha level of 0. 05 is the recommended norm for a two tailed test. The alpha level should be considered based on personal convictions of how strong you want your evidence to be. The alpha level is the probability or p-value that the researcher is willing to accept as significant. It can also be interpreted as the chance of making a Type 1 or Type 2 error. When you set a more stringent (smaller) alpha level, like . 01 or . 001, (which decreases the probability of making a Type I error) you increase the likelihood of making a Type II error.Hence, it is suggested that an alpha level of . 05 is a good compromise between the likelihoods of making Type I and Type II errors. An experiment where you may want a lower alpha level (e. g. , 0. 01) would be for example a drug study for coagulation times. You would want to be certain the drug is effective, therefore a lower alpha level would be p rudent. Within this same drug study, you would accept a higher alpha level when looking for drug side-effects. (University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center , 2013) References Price, I. (2000).What Alpha Level? In I. Price, Inferential Statistics (p. Chapter 5). New England: University of New England. University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center . (2013). Hypothesis Testing . Retrieved March 21, 2013, from Biostatistics for the Clinician : http://www. uth. tmc. edu/uth_orgs/educ_dev/oser/L2_2. HTM 4DQ1 How would you explain the analysis of variance, assuming that your audience has not had a statistics class before? When examining the differences between two or more groups, you can use the analysis of variance which is known as ANOVA.This is a statistical technique that is used to compare the means or averages of more than two groups. There are three uses of ANOVA which are the one-way, the two-way and N-way Multivariate ANOVA. (Solutions, 2013) The determining factor when to use one of the â€Å"ways† is dependent upon how many â€Å"treatments† are used in the study. We use the term treatment because ANOVA originated in the 1920’s to test different treatments of fertilizers’ crop yields. (â€Å"Analysis of Variance,† 2012, p. 2) Here, we will cover the one-way and the two-way ANOVA.The one-way between groups, ANOVA is used when you want to test the difference between two or more groups. This is the simplest version of ANOVA. (Crossman, 2013) This could be used for example in a study on the ages of patients on different cardiac medications. Here we are only looking at the various ages of patients. The two-way ANOVA between groups is used to look at complex groupings. (Crossman, 2013) For example, the patient’s ages in the previous example could be extended to include the patients from other countries to see if the ages vary from those in the U. S.So you would have three two effects from this ANOVA: the effect of the ages and the effect of abroad versus local. Using ANOVA in this study, you could also add diet to see if there is any association between cardiac meds, patient’s ages, and differences of abroad versus local. ANOVA creates a way to test several null hypotheses at the same time. (Solutions, 2013) There are however, certain assumptions that need to be met for true comparison of means prior to conducting the analysis which are: 1. The population in which samples are drawn should be normally distributed. 2.Independent of case: the sample cases should be independent of each other. 3. Homogeneity: Homogeneity means that the variance between the groups should be approximately equal. (Solutions, 2013) â€Å"ANOVA is used very commonly in business, medicine or in psychology research. In business, ANOVA can be used to compare the sales of different designs based on different factors. A psychology researcher can use ANOVA to compare the different attitude or behavior in people a nd whether or not they are the same depending on certain factors. In medical research, ANOVA is used to test the effectiveness of a drug†. Solutions, 2013) References Chapter Fourteen Analysis of Variance. (2012). Retrieved from www. ssc. wisc. edu/~aaradill/310_spring2012_chapter14. pdf Crossman, A. (2013). Analysis of Variance. Retrieved March 25, 2013, from About. com: Sociology: http://sociology. about. com/od/Statistics/a/Analysis-of-variance. htm Solutions, S. (2013). Analysis of Variance. Retrieved March 25, 2013, from Statistics Solutions: http://www. statisticssolutions. com/academic-solutions/resources/directory-of-statistical-analyses/analysis-of-variance/What is an interaction? Describe an example; what are the variables within your population (work, social, academic, etc. ) for which you might expect interactions? An interaction is the variation among the differences between means for different levels of one factor over different levels of the other factor. (Easto n & McColl, 2013) In statistics, an interaction may occur when considering the relationship among three or more variables. It describes a situation in which the simultaneous influence of two variables on a third is not additive. (PediaView. om, 2013) For example, an intra-operative vascular study on the use of gelfoam for topical hemostasis is being conducted. Half of the surgical patients received gelfoam with normal saline, and the other half received gelfoam with topical thrombin 5,000units/5cc of normal saline. All of the surgical patients received IV protamine to reverse the IV heparin. It was found that gelfoam with normal saline alone was effective, and gelfoam with topical thrombin alone was effective in reducing bleeding in the operative site (main effect of gelfoam and main effect of gelfoam and topical thrombin with IV protamine).Also, for those patients who didn't receive the thrombin, the gelfoam worked equally well (main effect of gelfoam); those who received gelfoam a nd normal saline got the benefits of both (main effect of gelfoam and main effect of IV protamine). However, it was found that those patients who receive gelfoam and topical thrombin got the benefits of both plus a bonus, an interaction effect (main effect of gelfoam with thrombin and the main effect of protamine plus an interaction effect). Reference Easton, V. , & McColl, J. (2013).Design of experiments & ANOVA. Retrieved March 25, 2013, from Statistics Glossary: http://www. stats. gla. ac. uk/steps/glossary/anova. html#intern PediaView. com. (2013). Interaction (Statistics). Retrieved March 25, 2013, from PediaView. com: http://pediaview. com/openpedia/Interaction_(statistics) 5DQ1 What is an example in the world around you for which you would use a Chi-square analysis? 5DQ2 Now that you are familiar with the basic concepts of statistics, what are some examples of when you have seen or heard statistics used inappropriately?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

High School Failure Outline Essay

I. Introduction: My high school experience was a failure not a success. A. Every person goes through high school with different influences, creating personal perspectives and experiences. I’ve learned many different things through my high school journey, some positive but more so negative. High school was entirely a negative experience for me, creating a poor view on the rest of the world. B. The main things that hindered my high school experience were my friends, my extracurricular activities, and my laziness. These caused negative influences on my grades, and created a barrier between me and my education. II. Bad choice of friends A. Friends had no drive for school either-I wasn’t able to focus on what really needed to be done. B. Peer Pressure- The pressure of having to impress all my friends was something that affected me negatively. Their wants and desires of me kept me doing things that I didn’t need to get involved in. C. Lack of educational goals- There was no standard set between my friends, or goals that they had. Because of their lack of desired success I had nothing to set my standards upon, therefore keeping me from long term educational goals. III. Extracurricular activities A. Working too much- During high school I put too much time into working playing sports, and dancing, which took away from my education and study time. B. Sports & Dance IV. Laziness A. My personality- Because of my strong willed, opinionated choleric personality my bad choices were even bigger than realized. B. No support and encouragement from parents- Having no support from my parents also made it hard on me in high school. Seeking encouragement is something that every student desires and needs while going through school. C. No goals- When there are no goals set, there is nothing to strive and hope for in the future, creating no drive and longing for success. V. Conclusion A. Through the things that I experienced in high school ruined my perspective on things. B. College has changed my view on my life, and given me drive to finish and be successful.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Suicide and Musical Influence essays

Suicide and Musical Influence essays In his article, "I'd sell you suicide': pop music and moral panic in the age of Marilyn Manson," Robert Wright looks to the problems with suicide from past and current hard rock music. There are many concerns that have come up with the current wave of popular music. Suicide and depression are some of the major themes in in most song lyrics throughout hard rock and heavy metal music. Suicide became an issue in the 1960's when serious problems, such as war, race relations, feminism and ecology were present (Wright 367). Neoconservatives felt that the lyrics in the music being played was prompting "sexism, profanity, satanic influences and drug glorification" (Wright 370). Ozzy Osbourne was the first heavy metal artist to be charged in court for the lyrical content of his music. The charges were dropped based on the first amendment which protect his right to freedom of speech in his song lyrics. Other cases had been linked to suicide with subliminal messages that teenagers heard in t he musics lyrics as well. Those who filed the suits stated that subliminal messages are what led their children to commit suicide. The 1980s had the highest number of teenage suicides ever recorded, and today, suicide continues to be one of the leading causes of teenage deaths. None of the suicidal cases have ever been linked with rock musics lyrical content. Using the art of rhetoric, Wright believes that the relationship of popular culture and public morality shows that rock music is not the cause of teen suicide, rather society in general is the root foundation of this problem. Wright, born in the late 1960s spent his early childhood in the middle of the beginning of the socioeconomic malaise. Popular culture began to arise, and produced heightened individualism, nonconformity and escapism, rather than the reverse (Wright 366). This time period did not articulate publicly the issues of poverty, drug abuse, and inne...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to make the first date unforgettable

How to make the first date unforgettable 7 Awesome Indoor First Date Ideas If you have met someone truly special, you will probably want to impress him or her with something, whether it is your personality and charm, or a cool date. Many people think that a dinner is the very best option you eat, you talk, you wear nice clothes. However, there is something unbearably boring and predictable about it. Why not do something original instead? Here are a couple of more imaginative ideas for a first date that you might want to try. A fitness class or a yoga session can offer a great opportunity to showcase your body. And, of course, stare at your partners. Remember to pick something that both of you would feel comfortable doing. Your date becoming self-conscious for not being able to keep up is definitely not the result you want. Most importantly, have fun! On a related note, a dance class would also allow you to touch each other for a completely innocent reason. Paying a visit to a psychic may show that you are thinking about future. This is a great option for people with a sense of humor and adventure. Just do not try this if your date is a staunch rationalist. Volunteer together! This might seem like more of an established relationship thing to do, but try to think about it from a different perspective. This will allow you to learn more about you dates character and ideas about life. Everyone wants a kind and compassionate person in his or her life, and doing something for those in need will help you find out whether you have already found one. Dare them to play video games with you. Personally, I am very competitive, so playing computer games with my partner is always a lot of fun. We play, laugh, throw pillows at each other, and generally have great time together. So, grab a console and enjoy a match or two. If you win, you can also get to know whether you date is a sore loser! Visit a used bookstore. Or go to your local BarnesNoble. It does not really matter. If both of you appreciate good literature, going between the isle, reminiscing about your favorites, giving each other recommendation, laughing about some terrible reads, you have had, is an incredible bonding experience. Go shopping for gifts.Christmas season is soon, and now it is the best time to buy presents. Going shopping will give you a chance to learn about each others families and friends and the way you feel about them. You can also ask for gift ideas and recommendations, so if your date is successful, you will know what to buy as a Christmas present!Hopefully, these ideas will help you organize a great first date that will impress your chosen one and set you on the course to true love. Just remember, that if you want your relationship to succeed, all the consecutive dates are just as important as the first rendezvous!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pig-Footed Bandicoot - Facts and Figures

Pig-Footed Bandicoot - Facts and Figures Name: Pig-Footed Bandicoot; also known as Chaeropus ecaudatus Habitat: Plains of Australia Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (2 million-100 years ago) Size and Weight: About six inches long and a few ounces Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Rabbit-like ears; narrow snout; long, spindly legs About the Pig-Footed Bandicoot As you can guess from its name, the Pig-Footed Bandicoot was one of the oddest prehistoric marsupials ever to grace Australias vast interior. This tiny plains-dweller had long, rabbit-like ears, a narrow, opossum-like snout, and exceptionally spindly legs with strangely toed feet, which gave it a comical appearance when hopping, walking or running. As far as is knownsince the last living individual was glimpsed over 100 years agothe Pig-Footed Bandicoot nested during the day in grass-lined burrows, and emerged at night to feed on grass seeds (though specimens in captivity enjoyed a more omnivorous diet). Its not clear exactly why the Pig-Footed Bandicoot went extinct. This tiny mammal managed to coexist, more or less, with the Australian aborigines for tens of thousands of years; most likely it was the much different farming practices of later European settlers that eroded its habitat and sources of food (it didnt help that the cats and dogs the settlers brought with them made quick snacks of the Pig-Footed Bandicoot, at least those individuals too slow to make a hasty escape). During the nineteenth century, a few European naturalists tried to study the rapidly dwindling Pig-Footed Bandicoot before it disappeared off the face of the earth. Amusingly, one adventurer went to great pains to obtain two live specimens from a tribe of Aboriginesand then was forced to eat them when he ran out of food! (See a slideshow of 10 Recently Extinct Marsupials)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Palestine-Israel Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Palestine-Israel Conflict - Essay Example This can be attributed that the Israeli have been on top of the conflict due to huge support from the Americans. This is true and can also be attested by the number of adults killed in the course of the conflict. Palestinians have had the greater loss in this conflict. In terms of the injuries during the war, Palestine has the highest figures of victims. Israel has a lower number since they own the conflict. These comparisons are nothing to be proud of by the Americans. This is because the American involvement has led to more deaths and devastation for the Palestinians. The number of political prisoners is higher to the Palestinians than the Israeli. Even the destruction of homes, Palestinians have had the greater loss. The difference in these figures is surprising. The Christian-Americans continue to support the non-Christian Israelis and not Muslims since they share Christianity (Caplan 27). In a morally right perspective, Americans should support the Palestinians since the Israel has caused utter inhumanity to the Palestinians. Conclusively, Christian values dictate that these kinds of activities should be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Project Management Practices, Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques Assignment

Project Management Practices, Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques Used In the Expansion Project - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the Custom Woodwork Company, established in 1954, is a medium-sized company specializing in producing custom furniture and cabinet making. The company gained the good reputation in the market and with its working over past few years. With the introduction of John Carpenter, company owner’s son, the company moved to subcontracting furniture installation and supplies to its customers. In 1989, following an increased demand for commercial furniture, the company decided to undertake expansion project for enlarging its facilities. The company had two options available, either move to a new location or expand existing facilities to avoid any interruption. A plan for the company was developed for an earlier project and an improved plan has been proposed for completion of the project. In this report, project objectives. Scope of work, work breakdown structure, project network diagram has been examined and a Gantt chart has been formulat ed on the basis of information provided in the case study. The objectives that were decided as part of the project completion were thorough deliberated in hourly prolonged meetings between the executives of the company for a considerable duration of the project prior to the undertaking. However, it is suggested that a feasibility study prior to finalizing the project objectives would have been a better option to establish actual requirements. Besides, rather than taking up a separate feasibility study this effort could have been made part of the project justification. The primary problem in finalizing the project objectives was that department heads and employees were not involved to actually figure out their requirements and how they perceived to be impacted by the project. It is important to note what type of expansion or up-gradation is expected in the facility to meet the growth requirements.

What is the nature of the relationship between sport and health Essay

What is the nature of the relationship between sport and health - Essay Example The idea is that various factors within human control, contribute to developments of health problems. However, they have an option of controlling or preventing the diseases developments in their bodies, through means of exercise to remain healthy. Brisk walking is an easy exercise, only costing one’s time, but no dependence on gym machines, and if regularly practiced, it becomes a beneficial hobby. According to Haber, the brisk (quick) walk is described as covering 3 miles in an hour, often twice the normal pace (2010, p. 157). Other health systems recommend 3to 5 miles, a pace that can burn calories and fats, raising one’s heartbeat and assist to achieve cardiovascular benefits. During financial Struggles: At times people are under financial constraints to enrol in gyms or other quality programs. Brisk walking is cheap as it avoids causing financial strain on an excising individual. The exercise is cost effective, resulting to little or no cost association, and this makes most individuals qualify to take part, considering their financial hardships (PCAL and DECCW, 2011, p.6). At times, acquiring gym equipment indoors is too expensive, and the available money would rather be channelled to other needs. A family or individual does not have an excuse for failing to engage in exercises, while there is an available option. Large families can escape paying for gym programs, instead they can get to keep the money and moreover make brisk walk a routine. If taken seriously, the children should be brought up appreciating brisk walk as a sport; the benefit would be realized in the long run, through the health in the families and prevention of future expenses due to hea lth problems. For the kids, it becomes fun and not a chore, they do it frequently and as they grow up their bones and muscles become strong (, 2013). The exercise can be done alone or even as a group,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Law of contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law of contract - Essay Example However, a counter offer has also been made under which the BD has actually asked Natalie to keep the offer open and if she does, she will get 12 tall glasses also. Considering the above situation, it may be important to ascertain whether Natalie has accepted the offer made by BD. Under this situation, it is important to ascertain the acceptance of the offer and its communication in order to make a formal contract. The offer has been accepted by BD on 18th however, it reached to Natalie on 21st however, under contract law an offer is accepted once the letter of acceptance has been posted if postal acceptance is made. In Adams V Lindsell1 and Henthorn v Fraser2, court decided that an acceptance is complete as soon as the acceptance is posted. Under these conditions Natalie will have to perform her part of the contract and purchase the bottles of Lemonade according to the offer made by her. 2(B) One of the key issues in this case is to decide whether it’s an invitation to treat or an offer to the world which Cruisey Liners plc has made. Under the case law, the advertisement made by the companies is generally considered as an invitation to treat and as such they are not liable to contract on the terms mentioned in the advertisement. An invitation to treat is therefore considered as a willingness of the individuals to negotiate and enter into contract. It is also important to note that in order to become a binding contract, it is critical that the acceptance must be definite in nature. The lack of this therefore may not render a contract binding on other party. (Stone and Cunnington) It is however, important to make a distinction between the invitation to treat and an offer to the world. Under unilateral contract, one party to the contract makes a promise for a reward on the performance of certain act. When an offer is made to the world, its acceptance only occurs when the complete performance of the act is done. (Elliot and Quinn). Considering this, the cas e of Caroline may not require damages for the firm because she has not performed the act. However, in case of Stephen Spider, the same may not be the case as the acceptance of the offer has been made through the performance of the act. It also however, has to be decided as to whether the revocation of offer should be communicated through same channels or not. As a general rule however, the revocation of the offer has to be properly communicated through the same channels. Q#2 The doctrine of privity under the contract law outlines that the rights and obligations arising under the contract can only be imposed on the persons who are party to the contract. As such rights and obligations cannot be enforced on others who are explicitly or implicitly not part of the contract. (McKendrick) The doctrine of privity therefore is also critical under the current environment also as the same help to identify the rights and obligations of third parties under the contract. There are wide range of l aws which are covered under the doctrine of Privity and are decided till today according to this doctrine. Issues such as trusts, estates, collaterals etc are still governed by the doctrine of pri

Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets Essay - 4

Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets - Essay Example The innovations that have been taking place in the company since its embarking upon a long-term journey have been illuminated during the due course of the report. The main reasons because of which Unilever opted to buy Ben & Jerry’s have also been discussed. Apart from that, the entrepreneurial aspect of this company has been explained and how entrepreneurship has played a practical role in the success of their business has been elucidated. All these elements have combined together to translate into profitable growth of their company along with its brand and have led it to its present state. The purpose of this report is to conduct a research on an organization and discuss in detail, how its presence does creates opportunities and prospects for its stakeholders in light of the theory of the same. Apart from that, the method by which the company innovates its processes and products in order to meet the ever changing needs of the consumers is also conversed. Furthermore, this report also concerns how the selected organization incorporates entrepreneurial principles in order to exploit the available opportunities in the market and undertake some level of risk-taking in order to derive the most benefits from the untapped market segments (Drucker, 1986). For this research, Ben & Jerry’s has been selected as it has been coming up with innovations in its flavors ever since it has come into being in 1978. The Ben & Jerry’s is an ice-cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet manufacturing company which was set up in 1978 as an ice-cream parlor on a renovated gas station in Vermont USA, by two entrepreneurs namely Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield with an investment of $12,000. The ice cream parlor soon gained popularity around the neighborhood and the pair began to pack their product and started to supply it to Mom and Pop stores and convenience stores in their Volkswagen Campervan. They eventually grew

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Law of contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law of contract - Essay Example However, a counter offer has also been made under which the BD has actually asked Natalie to keep the offer open and if she does, she will get 12 tall glasses also. Considering the above situation, it may be important to ascertain whether Natalie has accepted the offer made by BD. Under this situation, it is important to ascertain the acceptance of the offer and its communication in order to make a formal contract. The offer has been accepted by BD on 18th however, it reached to Natalie on 21st however, under contract law an offer is accepted once the letter of acceptance has been posted if postal acceptance is made. In Adams V Lindsell1 and Henthorn v Fraser2, court decided that an acceptance is complete as soon as the acceptance is posted. Under these conditions Natalie will have to perform her part of the contract and purchase the bottles of Lemonade according to the offer made by her. 2(B) One of the key issues in this case is to decide whether it’s an invitation to treat or an offer to the world which Cruisey Liners plc has made. Under the case law, the advertisement made by the companies is generally considered as an invitation to treat and as such they are not liable to contract on the terms mentioned in the advertisement. An invitation to treat is therefore considered as a willingness of the individuals to negotiate and enter into contract. It is also important to note that in order to become a binding contract, it is critical that the acceptance must be definite in nature. The lack of this therefore may not render a contract binding on other party. (Stone and Cunnington) It is however, important to make a distinction between the invitation to treat and an offer to the world. Under unilateral contract, one party to the contract makes a promise for a reward on the performance of certain act. When an offer is made to the world, its acceptance only occurs when the complete performance of the act is done. (Elliot and Quinn). Considering this, the cas e of Caroline may not require damages for the firm because she has not performed the act. However, in case of Stephen Spider, the same may not be the case as the acceptance of the offer has been made through the performance of the act. It also however, has to be decided as to whether the revocation of offer should be communicated through same channels or not. As a general rule however, the revocation of the offer has to be properly communicated through the same channels. Q#2 The doctrine of privity under the contract law outlines that the rights and obligations arising under the contract can only be imposed on the persons who are party to the contract. As such rights and obligations cannot be enforced on others who are explicitly or implicitly not part of the contract. (McKendrick) The doctrine of privity therefore is also critical under the current environment also as the same help to identify the rights and obligations of third parties under the contract. There are wide range of l aws which are covered under the doctrine of Privity and are decided till today according to this doctrine. Issues such as trusts, estates, collaterals etc are still governed by the doctrine of pri

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tourism Planning Discussion Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tourism Planning Discussion Paper - Essay Example Tourism industry seeks to renew the development process, stimulate a country’s economy, encourage the preservation of the cultural heritage and create international peace and harmony. The tourism industry generates potential employment opportunities on a large scale. It pays homage to all the countries in the world characterized by diverse culture and symbolism. Tourism industry is also represented as the multicomponent industry with different industries of economic importance interlinked inextricably. The greatest contribution to this Industry comes from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and World Trade Organization (WTO). There are innumerable political and economical challenges faced by the global tourism industry extending from the terrorism threats to the global recession and that of the Communist Eastern Bloc. The positive impact of tourism clearly justifies the tourism development while the negative impacts of the environment stimulate the need for better and fresh tourism planning (Trade-wings Institute Of Management, 2000). The trend followed by the tourism development range from the systematic approach to those of contemporary ones. According to Waterson and Rose, Planning is a complex and ambiguous process. The concept of Physical Planning existed from the early centuries. According to Branch, â€Å"cities in India as early as 3000 B.C were divided into the square blocks, oriented to the cardinal points and laid out to allow the circulation between them†. In United Kingdom, the planning was in practice for two centuries as pointed by Cherry. The physical layout plan dates back to Greek and Roman. The physical and social illness caused due to industrialization led to the stimulation for planning in England. With the addition of social and economic dimension to planning, emerged the concept of tourism planning. Jafari observed and acknowledged the fact of changing professional and popular meaning of tourism. Now

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Role of Technical Teacher Education Essay Example for Free

The Role of Technical Teacher Education Essay Countries of the world are classified as developed or under developed based on the level of education of its citizenry and their ability to use knowledge, skill and attitude to translate scientific ideas in attending to the problems of mankind. Technical education is the right kind of education that is capable of training individuals to translate ideas into products that will assist mankind to do things with ease. The teaching of technical subjects is conducted by the technical teacher. This paper is of the view that the technical teacher who is properly trained and is working under ideal environment can train younger generation that will be free of poverty, achieve universal basic education, empower women, reduce child mortality, combat HIV/AIDS and develop global partnership, thus achieving the MDGs target. The paper made recommendations among which is for the MDGs to adopt the bottom to top mode of funding and the need for the MDGs to integrate provision of funds particularly for purchase of training tools, equipment and infrastructure for technical teacher training. Introduction Education is seen as an agent of development in any society of the world, that is why societies that are educated are looked at as developed societies and less educated as underdeveloped societies. This is so because the developed societies use education to develop things that will solve prevailing problems of mankind in the form of products of technology. These products are developed by citizens of these countries using skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired through training in sciences and technical based subjects. It is in realization of these facts that the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) (2004) stressed that, science and technology shall continue to be taught in an integrated manner in the schools to promote in the students the appreciation of practical application of ideas. This type of education if acquired will provide students with sellable skills that can be used to generate job opportunities and alternatively reduce poverty. It  should however be noted that, training cannot take place unless there are teachers that are properly trained in technical teacher training institutions to impact the required skills, knowledge and attitudes in the students. That is why Olaitan (1986) sees the teacher as an agent of changing people attitudes, beliefs and values using the right technique. Similarly Adeoye (2008) noted that the teacher is the king-pin of quality in education and development of the society. In the same light Garba (2002) posits that the success of technological development of any nation begins with the quality of technical teachers as no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers (FRN, 2004). The millennium development goals (MDGs) is a global strategy aimed at reducing poverty, hunger, insecurity, gender inequality, achieve universal basic education, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development. This paper is of the opinion that the achievement of the MDGs can best be aimed at if the right quality and quantity of technical teachers are produced. The paper therefore discusses technical teachers preparation and production in Nigeria, the MDGs and the objective relating to education, the role of technical teacher education in realization of MDGs target, Factors affecting technical teacher education in realizing the goals of the MDGs and recommendation were offered. Technical Teacher Preparation and Production Programme in Nigeria. There is always the need to create an awareness of the problems, which arise in a particular profession and to improve on the level of competencies for dealing with such problem (Adetunji and Victor (1997) that is why the National Policy on Education (2004), indicates that, teacher education shall continue to be given major emphasis in all educational planning and development, it further stated that teacher education shall be structured to take cognizance of changes in methodology and the curriculum, by ensuring that teachers are fully exposed to innovation in their profession. This is most needed by the technical teacher because of the dynamic nature of the world of technology and its effect on the teaching of technical subjects. Ali (1992) stressed that with the advert of the 21st century technologies, the requisition of sound academic knowledge and professional skills are fundamental in the training of teachers, especially in the use of modern methods and technologies for teaching their subject area. Foel and Fritz (1998) noted that teacher education is experiencing new formats that combine conventional (Traditional education delivery system) with evolving technology in order to transfer knowledge to students. That is why Goro (2000) call for a new look at the training of teachers, especially the technical teachers because the present educational system’s particular concern is that teachers must be oriented towards development of practical skills in the trainees. The technical teacher is he who is a master of the trade, in the same manner is able to impart the correct and up-to-date skills (Olaitan 1986), in a similar view Dambe and Garba (2007) looked at the technical teacher as a teacher who posses practical and theoretical knowledge of his vocation, has clear understanding of the student he teachers, and ensures that he increases in the knowledge of his field at all time. The training process of a technical teacher therefore calls for a balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. In a bid to train teachers that will posses the required knowledge that Ali (1992) looked at training the technical teacher, by using the concurrent cause approach, where professional trade skills and academic content are pursued in parallel. This mode of training is the most popular approach used for technical teacher training. However, another school of thought was that the technical teacher should first be practically skilled in that subject matter before embarking on pedagogical skill acquisition. Goro (2000) shares the same view as he indicates a support for post graduate training in education after a professional training in trade. Whatever the approach, the emphasis should be on striking a balanced knowledge that will enable the teacher impart the required skills in an appropriate manner. This is necessary because the success or failure of technological development of a society begins with the quality of manpower (teachers) responsible for training the technology teachers. Olaitan (1996) looked at the technical teacher training in Nigeria to include the formal and informal training. The informal is done at the home or family level, and the apprenticeship level, the graduates of which will be serving as masters to train others. However, the formal training of teachers is in three stages, the Nigeria certificate in education (NCE) which prepares teachers for teaching in junior secondary schools. There is also the graduate and postgraduate technical teacher education programme. In the same view Abdullahi and Sa’i (1998) pointed out that technical teacher training is provided in three stages namely the postgraduate, the bachelor and the Nigerian Certificate in Education (Technical) levels. There are however two modes of preparing technical teachers at the NCE level for teaching in the junior secondary schools’ the two modes are in agreement with two vocational administrative theories of dual and single controls (Olaitan 1996). Accordingly, the single control is a situation whereby technical teacher education is housed in institution that are offering purely technical teacher education courses e. g. Colleges of Education (Technical), whereas the dual control is when technical education Porgramme are run in the same institution with other courses like arts, social studies, history, pure science as obtains in conventional colleges of education. Students of Technical Education Programmes at the NCE level are expected to take courses from general area in Technical/Vocational Education, general Education, Education and Entrepreneurship Education, and are later expected to specialize in one area before graduation. Students are further expected to spend twelve (12) weeks of industrial attachment (NCCE 2002) after graduation; the products are expected to teach introductory technology at the junior secondary school level. As of now there are twenty five (25) Colleges of Education offering NEC (Technical) courses in Nigeria. (NCCE, 2007). At the graduate and post graduate levels, the training of vocational technical teachers take place in the Universities. As at now the five Universities of technology namely, Federal Universities of Technology, Akure, Bauchi, Minna, Owerri and Yola are running degree and postgraduate programmes in Technology Education and other Vocational areas. Other Unversities such as Ahmadu Bello Unversities Zaria, Benin, Calabar, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Uyo, and Ibadan run degree and postgraduate programmes in vocational technical education. It should be noted however that, some colleges of education are currently running programmes leading to the award of a bachelor degree in Technical and vocational Education as affiliate colleges of Universities (NCCE 2002). The millennium Development Goals (MDGs) The vision of developers of the MDGs was on the general concern to do away with problems affecting the citizens of their nations. That is why they aimed at creating strategies towards reduction of poverty, hunger, diseases, increase access to education, health, housing and sustainable management of the environments resource. In the development of the MDGs and strategies for achieving the goals, 189 countries of the world met in New York in September 2000, and signed the millennium declaration which has come to be globally known as the millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The primary goal of the leaders of these nations in developing the MDGs is to address the problems facing fellow men, women and children such as abject poverty and dehumanizing conditions to which more than a billion people across the world are subjected to. (Umar, Suleiman Adamu, 2009). Accordingly Dung-Gwon (2009), noted that the MDGs have 8 goals, each has one or more targets and several indicators. He further report that, in 2002, there were 18 targets and 48 indicators. In 2007, 4 more targets were added. To this effect, countries of the world have also added their own targets and indicators to meet their aspiration. This is so because the levels of development of various nations are not the same, so also prioties vary among nations. The MDGs is therefore, a general blue print for development of nations of the world. Dung-Gwom (2009) states that the general MDGs goals statement across the nations are as follows: 1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieving universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and women empowerment 4. Reducing child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS 7. Ensure environmental sustainability 8. Develop a global partnership The general goals of the MDGs have within it three that are education related. Iyortyer (2010) noted that, the three goals that mainly impacts on the education sector are: Achieving Universal Basic Education (Goal 2) Promotion of gender parity or equality (Goal 3) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases (Goal 6) Three goals out of eight focusing on education surely indicates that a priority to education is a step towards the attainment of other objectives, as stated by Iyortyer (2010) that education is an instrument for development of any nation, an antidote to poverty and the key for unlocking natural resources. In spite of these and the laudable goals and strategies towards achieving the MDGs in Nigeria, records still reveals that much is desired. In line with this Ibrahim (2006) states that, Nigeria Millennium Development Goals Report for 2004 and 2005 shows that Nigeria is far off the mark in terms of implementation of many goals of the MDGs. Similarly Igbugo in Umar, Suleiman and Adamu (2009) asserted that, there is a serious doubt if Nigeria can achieve the MDGs by the target 2015. So also Igbuzor (2007) reported that even though Nigeria is a signatory to the MDGs, it is yet far from achieving the MDGs, furthermore he maintained that it is lack of political will that is the greatest stumbling block to the achievement of the MDGs, in Nigeria. Based on the MDGs report and personal observations of the indices it is clear that much is desired. This paper is of the opinion that provision of training that equip the individual with saleable skills will greatly lead Nigeria to the achievement of the MDGs. Role of Technical Teacher Education in Realization of the MDGs Technical teacher education programme is a programme that train teachers of technically based trades who are expected to teach in junior secondary schools and technical colleges. The product of which are the country futures engineers and inventors. The role of technical teacher in the achievement of MDGs will be discussed in line with the eight MDGs as follows: 1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Even though report of MDGs 2005 shows slide decline in poverty from 65. 5% in 1996 to 54. 4% in 2004. Much is still desired as the 54. 4% is still high and should attract concern bearing in mind that Nigeria is a rich country with poor citizenry. With a technical teacher programme that is able to produce highly trained technical teachers. The teacher should be able to train future generation of students that will possess the required skill in various trades. The skill acquired will create jobs that will make the individual either self employment or be employed by any employer of labour. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004) indicates that, technical education is a means of preparing for occupational field and a means of alleviating poverty. 2. Achieve Universal Primary Education The MDGs report 2005, shows that there is great improvement in literacy level, however, Iyortyer (2010) revealed that the target of the MDGs indicators maintain that adult literacy rate for 15-24 years will improve to reach 89% in 2015. While gender equity and equitable access to basic and continuing education for adult will be pursued towards meeting up the target. To achieve this target, there is the need for teacher that will be responsible for teaching of craft, poetry and the Basic technology. The teacher that is trained for such is the technical teacher. 3. Promote Gender Equality and Empowerment One of the targets of the MDGs is to ensure that gender disparity is eliminated, and equal access to education is same for both boys and girls. However Dung- Gwom (2009) indicates that the percentage of boys is 82% in 1990 and 79% in 2004. This shows that boys still account for greater percentage of primary school pupils. Much is still desired, and it is one of the responsibilities of the teacher to sensitize parents as they live in the society with the parents and the pupils. 4. Reduce Child Mortality With more educated mothers who have acquired skills for employment, mortality rate of the child will be highly reduced, as most of the causes of child mortality are poverty related. Similarly with a generation of young talents equipped with technical skill, the skill can further be used in the  provision and maintenance of medical equipment that will be used in reduction of child mortality. 5. Improve Maternal Health The MDGs report 2004 shows that maternal mortality was 74 per 1000. This rate is high and can only be reduced if mothers are equipped with skill to earn a living. The skills of the technical teacher can be directed to the mothers for empowerment. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases In Nigeria the incidence of HIV/AIDS has been on upward trend since the diseases was discovered in the country 1. 8% 1999, to 5. 8% in 2000 (Nigeria, MDG Report 2005). A good number of the infected persons are equally, living under poverty, with no job and so they could not afford the feeding requirements even if the drugs are free. The situation would have not been the same if they have learnt technical skills to provide services for pay. 7. Ensure Environment Sustainability To sustain the environment, there is the need to have the knowledge, skills and attitude of doing such. Umar, Suleiman and Adamu (2009) reports that about 70% of the urban dwellers in Nigeria live below poverty bench mark and their condition is not bound to improve much between now and 2015. This can be better if a good number of Nigerians are equipped with skills in technical trades such as Building maintenance, Design and plumbing, Vehicle maintenance etc 8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development The world is becoming a global village, this is much so because of the advent of technological product especially in the area of information and communication technology (ICT). With ICT information is obtained and utilized. However to do that one need the basic training to understand the technology and the kwon how of applying it. Challenges of Technical Teacher Education in Realizing the MDGs. Technical teacher education can do a lot in the realization of the MDGs, but the followings have stood as a barrier. 1. Lack of adequate funding Technical teacher education being a technical oriented programme requires tools equipment and infrastructure without which technical education cannot be said to be offered. It is however clear that general funding to education in Nigeria is far from the expected. Onyidoh (2006) noted that, the money allocated to education falls short of the UNESCO’s recommended 25% of annual budget; he further noted that the allocation from 2003 to date is barely in the range of 1. 83-5% allocation to education. This might surely not be enough to cater for the funding of institutions that are characterized by, leaking roofs, unpaved floors, unsanitized conditions and general picture of neglect. This situation cannot guarantee training of technical teachers with the needed skills for the training of younger generation in our junior secondary schools that are expected to pave way for the technological advancement of Nigeria 2. Administrator’s attitude. Even with the low level of funding in the budget, other agencies such as the Education trust fund (ETF) do intervene. It is however regrettable that a lot of institutions of higher learning cannot accesses the fund due to stringent conditions for accessing the ETF money which does not give much room for diversion of the fund. And for the fact that most of these administrator are not there because they have interest in the system,. they prefer to forfeit the ETF than follow due process to access it. Speaking on the administrator’s attitude Onyidoh (2010) noted that administrators have little interest in institution they are heading, because vice chancellors, provost and rectors appointed in Nigeria today are politicians in the academic robes. 3. MDGs approach to funding Due to corruption and non-commitment of leadership of institutions they have found the MDGs money easy to grab than the ETF, because the MDGs money do came directly to them in the name of so call desk officers who in most cases are the good boy and girls of the leaders of the institution. That is why in many cases projects already financed through other means are tagged MDGs project and after inspection, tags can be replaced, that is the game as usual. 4. Absence of infrastructure Technical teacher education require infrastructure such as workshops, classrooms and the needed equipment. This infrastructure is absent or not enough in most of the institutions that are responsible for training the technical teachers. The situation will make the teacher unable to provide the right training to the junior secondary school students who are expected to be the future engineers, technician etc that will move Nigeria forward. 5. New Technologies The training to be given in junior secondary schools by technical teachers should be to introduce them to the world of technology and arose interest of the students in choice of vocation and to lead students to have intelligent understanding of the increasing complexity of technology (FRN, 2004). The continuous inventions of new technological products that most of the institutions teachers are not familiar with the operation principles of the new technologies. For the training to be relevant, it must bear a direct relationship with that in the industries, firms or business required to enable students fit into their vocations after graduation (Aguisiobe, in Garba and Nuhu, 2007). The existing situation in institution is far from the state of art as some of the machines were in existence since the 1970s or 1980. They cannot provide any training on new technologies of whatever level. 6. In-sincerity of Nigerian leaders. Most policy statements in Nigeria sound good, but when it comes to implementation the problem arises. This is so because as policies are implemented those in authorities will begin to skim for what to personally get out of it. Take for instance the issues of universal basic education programme, it has a policy that pupil will be provided meals during school hours and that primary school teachers salaries will be 5 times through 2015. At the beginning skeletal feeding was provided but as it is, the whole money targeted for that purpose are in peoples pocket or used for purchase of expensive vehicles. Secondly there is no record apart from the 27% increase which some states are even yet to pay that teacher have ever experienced. But yet these governors and their agent are part of the agreement and receive much for such. Recommendations In order to address the challenges the following recommendations are provided. 1. There is the need for the MDGs to integrate provision of fund particularly for the provision of training tools, equipment and infrastructure. 2. The attitude of the administrators needs to be checked by the involvement of host communities and various trade unions in the execution of all MDGs projects through close monitoring and evaluation. 3. MDGs approach to funding should adopt the bottom to top approach, just as is done by the ETF. This will reduce the rate of corruption. 4. There is the need to re-train the technical teachers on ground, in the area of new technologies, and the integration of the new technologies, such as phone repairs, computer circuit design etc in the curriculum of technical teacher training institutions by so doing the curriculum will be functional and relevant. 5. Leaders should be honest in handling issues to do with the MDGs target, for the programme to succeed. Conclusion. The paper was of the focus that, to achieve the MDGs in Nigeria, there is the needs to have a kind of education that will enable the learner acquire skills, attitude and knowledge that will lead to job creation. And that kind of education can be provided by the properly trained technical teacher. However challenges abound for the technical teacher training and the teaching of Basic technology at the junior secondary schools. REFERENCES Adullahi, M. L. Sa’I, H. R (1998). Strategies for improving vocational and technical teacher Preparation in Nigeria. A paper presented at the second annual National conference on Improving the quality of Vocation and Technical Education in Nigeria for sustainable Development: organized by the school Vocational and Technical Education, Federal College of Education: Kastina 25th May. Adetunji, O. Victor, A (1997). Science technology and economics revitalization in the year 2000 A. D and beyond the role of teacher education in Nigeria: Proceedings of the conference of the Nigerian association of Teachers of Technology on â€Å"production approach to the teaching of concepts in technology for national development. Ali, H. (1992). Teachers’ evaluation for instructional improvement. The Nigeria Teacher Today 1 (2) .14-19. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2004). National policy on Education 4th ed Lagos. NERC. Foel, N. A. Frit, R. L. (1998). The influences of technology on vocational teacher education, -e-Journal of vocational and technical education. Retrieved: 16/01/2009 http://scholar. lib. vt. edu/ejournals/ej-search. html. ,. Garba, E. Y. Dambe, N. (2007). Reorganizing the NCE technical programme for effective skill acquisition. Journal of issues in technical teacher education 4 (1). 119 -126. Goro,C. A. (2000). Technical teacher production and utilization in nigerian secondary education: relevance for developing skills of craftsmanship and humanistic discipline. Teacher production and turnover patterns in Nigeria; National commission for colleges of education; Kaduna. National Commission for Colleges of Education. (2002). Minimum standard for Nigeria certificate in education vocational and technical education 3rd edition Garki, Abuja,. Author. National Commission for Colleges of Education. (2006). National commission for colleges of education: Brochure. Abuja: Author. National Commission for Colleges of Education. (2007). National commission for colleges of education, Digest of statistics on colleges of education in Nigeria 2005/2004 and 2004/2005 vol. 8 Abuja: Author. Olaitan S. O. (1986). Vocational education and national manpower development constraints and strategies. Vocational education association journal 2 10-12. Olaitan,S. O. (1996). Vocational and technical education in Nigeria: Issues and analysis. Onitsha. Noble Graphic Press. Olaitan, S. O. (1986). Vocational education and national manpower development Construct and Strategies. Vocational education association journal 2, 10-14 Umar, A. J. , Suleiman, H. J. Adamu, A. M. (2009). Role of vocational and technical Education realization of the millennium development goals (MDGs) in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 2nd COEASU North-East zone annual Conference held at college of education jalingo. Dung-Gwon, J. Y. (2009). Vocational Technical Education and the millennium Development goals in Nigeria. An overview. Unpublished lead paper presented At the 7th annual Conference of the Nigeria association of vocational And Technical Educators (NAVTED), at COE Akwanga, Nassarawa State,Nigeria. Iyortyer, M. T. (2010). MDG Needs Assessment: A paper presentation of MDGs costing Workshop held at Government House Internet base station, Yola, Adamawa state 22nd -24th March. Ibrahim, A. J. (2006). Progress on MDGs in Nigeria: Education Where are we? Unpublished paper presented at the 12th Annual Nigeria Economic Summit 7th-9th June. Igbuzor, O. (2007). Nigeria and the Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference, Nigeria Association of teacher of technology 53-54 The National Planning Commission,(2005). Nigeria Millennium Development Goals 2005 report. Garba, E. Y Nuhu, D. (2007). Reorganizing the NCE technical programme for effective skill Acquisition. Journal of issues in technical teacher education 4 (1) 119-126 Onyidoh, H. (2010). The decline of the education system in Nigeria. Retrieved 6/07/2010. Htt://www. helium. com/knowledge/90654.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Construction of a Chemical Plant

Construction of a Chemical Plant SITE CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Summary In this chapter, the aim is to give a clear view on the selected location along with the reason, explanation and the brief information about the site as well in order to construct a chemical plant. The main focus is all about the side consideration, which is to consider the most strategic location in terms of geographical factors. A strategic site must be found for a new project and the site and equipment layout need to be planned to ensure that the plant will be operate at its best condition to ensure the quality of the production of methanol. In addition, there a some factors must be considered first while selecting a suitable site such as location, raw material supply, transport facilities, availability of labour, availability of utilities, availability of suitable land, effluent disposal, local community consideration, climate and the last one is politic and economic consideration. As the conclusion, Gebeng industrial land, Kuantan which is located in Pahang Darul Makmur was sele cted as the site for the Iso-amyl Alcohol plant. Last but not least, the plant layout is also drawn as it is important in order to consider how the plant is build. 5.2 Introduction A preliminary feasibility study must be conducted and a suitable site must be found before start the plant construction. The location of the plant may have a crucial effect on the profitability of the plant and its operation. It is important to determine whether the Iso-amyl Alcohol plant is feasible to be built up or not in term of safety, environment impact controllability, the flexibility for the plant and the economic aspect as well. There are some factor that must be considered before build the methanol plant to make sure the operation will operate smoothly and to get the best quality of Iso-amyl Alcohol production such as location of area, raw material supply, transport facilities, effluent disposal, climate, availability of labour, availability of utilities, suitable land, local community and politic and economic. The manufacture of Iso-amyl Alcohol is classified as a petrochemical project. The plant must be located in a specialized zone provided by government. Three main loca tions that have been short listed to set up the proposed 100,000 metric ton/year Iso-amyl Alcohol plant are Senawang Industrial Estate, Negeri Sembilan, Pengerang Industrial Port, Johor and Gebeng Industrial Land in Kuantan, Pahang. The comparison table is given in Table 5.4. 5.3 Side Consideration 5.3.1 Location of Area Industrial area are typically situated outside the principle neighbourhood of a city. The range for the most part is given great transportation get to including street and rail. Separating the industrial region is to set aside modern uses from urban ranges so as to decreasing the ecological and social effect. It can likewise draw in more new business by giving a coordinated framework in one area. 5.3.2 Raw Materials Supply The supply of crude materials is a standout amongst the most essential figures choosing the area of a plant. Crude material supply is a critical angle that should be considered before beginning up a plant. As chemical process includes in change of crude materials to complete item, it is essential to have a plant that is situated close to where the supply of crude material is greatest. The principle preferences are to diminish the transportation cost of crude material furthermore lessening the capital put resources into storerooms. 5.3.3 Transport Facilities Transport facilities are vital for conveying the crude material to the plant and to disperse the completed items to the market. The basic of transport like street, rail and ocean ought to be accessible and close to the plant. A minor thought is the accessibility of air transport because of the impediment utilization of the transport. A decent transport facilities dont just guides the entire procedure, however can helps boosting the import and fare exercises. This by one means or another would create great economy for the nation. 5.3.4 Effluent Disposal Effluent disposal, be it in fluid, strong or vaporous are a noteworthy worry in planning a plant. There are very extreme limitations on waste transfer and these vary with a specific area. It is mandatory to consider the allowable resistance levels for water, land and air dispersal. The site chose need sufficient and successful transfer framework for dealing with the effluents, for example, the seepage frameworks and dumping site. Waste water should be dealt with before diverted to open channels to stay away from any ecological issues. The cost of the emanating treatment ought to be considered too since ordinarily it will be high. 5.3.5 Climate It is essential to decide the climatological figures around the site region before beginning up a plant. The atmosphere can have a vital bearing on the financial operation of a procedure. Malaysia climate profits by a tropical atmosphere with both high temperature and moistness consistently. Data on the example of precipitation and frequency of high wind or substantial tempests ought to be considered. In selecting a site inside a picked area, the local history ought to be checked first. Any natural incident like quakes or surge that has been happen should be noted. 5.3.6 Availability of Labour The plant ought to be put in an area where adequate work supply is accessible. Accessible labour from nearby specialized establishments will give an advantageous commitment to run the plant easily. Despite the fact that the general pattern is for expanded computerization in concoction plant , notwithstanding staff and designing work force ,the procedure still need a huge work compel, particularly where a move framework in an operation. It is critical for finding the plant to consider the contending businesses, the ability and knowledge of specialists and the turnover rate. 5.3.7 Availability of Utilities Utilities is currently by and large utilized for the subordinate administrations required in the operation of any production procedure. Power required for electrochemical processes, engines, lightings and general utilize. Steam for the procedure warming and it is required for the procedure is produced in the tube boilers utilizing most monetary fuel. Likewise, water additionally is required for general utilize in light of the fact that the water required for the broadly useful will be taken from nearby source of water. 5.3.8 Suitable Land For the proposed plant and for future extension the appropriate land will be accessible. The land ought to be all around depleted, in an ideally flat and have reasonable load bearing limit. To decide the requirement for other uncommon establishment a full site assessment ought to be made. Moreover, it ought to be accessible with low cost too. To decrease the aggregate speculation and development cost, the land cost ought to be prudent as could be expected under the circumstances. However, in any case, the land cost relies on upon the area and it might changes without any notice. The area must be safe that it doesnt force extra hazard to the community. 5.3.9 Local Community The plant local group must be able to provide adequate facilities to the plant personnel, for example, schools, banks, lodging and recreational social offices. Other than that, the proposed plant must fit in with and be worthy by the nearby community. Full thought must be given to the protected area of the plant. With that it doesnt force a noteworthy extra hazard to the community. 5.3.10 Politic Economic Capital grants, charge concessions, and other prompting are regularly given by government to guide new venture to preferred area, for example, areas of high unemployment. The accessibility of such concedes can be the abrogating thought in site selection. 5.4 SIDE SELECTION Table 5.4: Side selection between Senawang Industrial Estate, Negeri Sembilan, Pengerang Industrial Port, Johor and Gebeng Industrial Land in Kuantan, Pahang. Selection citeria Senawang industrial estate, negeri Sembilan Pengerang Industrial port, Johor Gebeng Industrial land, Kuantan, Pahang Location 5km from Plus HighWay Senawang 9km from Lekas Highway 13km from Seremban 45km from Johor Bharu 8km from Johor Port 40km from Kuantan Town Next To Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) Kuantan Port about 10 km away, and Kemaman Port, about 45 km away Types of Industries Medium industry Agriculture industry Petrochemical industry Petrochemical industry Area of available 8.63 hectars 12.14 hectars Min. 3 acres, to max. 250 acres. Land Price RM 12 000 000 RM28.00 per square feet RM 36 590 400 RM20.00 per sq.ft RM 2 613 600 for min. 3 acres Feedstock Pentane from: Shell Refining Company (federation Of Malaya) Berhad, Batu 1, Jln Pantai, Port Dickson, Malaysia Chlorine and NaOH from: CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd(159498-A), Lot PT 200, Jalan Asam Jawa 16/15,Off Persiaran Kemajuan, 40200 Shah Alam, Malaysia Pentane from: Shell Refining Company (federation Of Malaya) Berhad, Batu 1, Jln Pantai, Port Dickson, Malaysia Chlorine and NaOH from: CCM Chemicals Sdn Bhd(159498A), Pasir Gudang Factory Plot 411, Kawasan 4 Jalan Perak1 Pasir Gudang Industrial Estate 81700 Johor Bharu, Malaysia Pentane from: Shell Refining Company (federation Of Malaya) Berhad, Batu 1, Jln Pantai, Port Dickson, Malaysia Chlorine and NaOH from: Malay-Sino Chemical Industries Sdn Bhd Lot PT 4406, Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong, 24000 Kemaman, Terengganu, Malaysia. Water Supply Syarikat Air Negeri Sembilan (SAINS) Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) Semambu Water Treatment Plant Energy Source TNB seremban IPP YTL Power generation Sdn.Bhd (404MW) Sultan Iskandar Power station TNB Johor Bharu TNB TanjungGelang, Kuantan. (800Mw) Transport Facilities Railway Main station bus seremban Main highway to kuala lumpur, port Dickson and Malacca. About 45min from international airport klia Johor port Near to jalan kota tinggi main road Facing Gate 2 Rapid new main road 80 km from Johor Bahru Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport, Kuantan,36km away Kuantan Port about 10 km away Kemaman Port,45 km away Kuantan-Kerteh Railway Linking the Kerteh Industrial Area and Kuantan Port to its right Other Facilities Nearby police Station and fire station Bank Nearby to seremban city Bum boats and ferry operate between Changi Point Ferry Terminal (Changi Village) and Pengerang daily. Kuantan-Kerteh Railway Linking the Kerteh Industrial Area and Kuantan Port to its right. 5.5 PROPOSED SITE 5.5.1 PROPOSED SITE Figure 5.5.1: The proposed site of plant in Gebeng Industrial Land, Kuantan Pahang Figure 5.5.2: The proposed site of location plan in Gebeng industrial land via google image. Figure 5.5.3: The proposed site plan of plant location in Gebeng industrial land via constructed map After doing some consideration based on several factors, Gebeng Industrial Land, Kuantan, Pahang had been choosed due to its competitive advantages compares to Senawang Industrial Estate, Negeri Sembilan and Industrial Port Pengerang, Johor for iso amyl alcohol plant setup and production. Taking the best economic scenario into account the plant life, the location have been chosen based on several criteria such as operational cost, market price , the availability of raw material sources, transportation and capital cost. Gebeng Industrial Land is prepared land ready with infrastructure, located In Gebeng Industrial estate, the main industrial area in Kuantan, Pahang. The Gebeng Industrial Land is a thriving hub of commercial activity where numerous multinational corporations in the petrochemical sector are based at. Generally, industrial land must be undivided and of regular shape, completely flat, close to industrial power, water and drainage supplies, and well serviced by transportation infrastructure. Therefore, it is identified to fulfill all the characteristics needed for the proposed site of constructing this petrochemical plant, which is Iso-amyl alcohol plant. The main reason for the selection is the availability of land with availability from 3 acres to 250 acres with the price about RM 20.00 per sq. ft which is affordable price with strategic location. Furtheremore, with a great development phases there, it was located strategically which is located next to Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) and in close proximity to the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP). Besides that, it also located only nearby to Petronas Gas Berhad Centralised Utility Facility (PGB CUF) and Gebeng Railway Yard that located to its left side. Moreover, the Kuantan-Kerteh Railway that linking the kerteh industrial area and Kuantan Port only located to its right making this land more strategically to build our plant there. The availability of raw material nearby the plant are suitable for the production in terms of saving the cost operation. Basically, the raw material was supplied by two suppliers which is one from Port Dickson and another one from Kemaman, Terengganu. Shell Refining Company (federation Of Malaya) Berhad in Port Dickson was chosen to supply pentane and Malay-Sino Chemical Industries Sdn Bhd in Kemaman, Terengganu was chosen to supply chlorine and NaOH to plant. Furthermore, in order to ensure the raw material always in stock, Qingdao Eastchem inc located in China also chosen to supply the pentane. Basically, the price of pentane is cheapest in China about 1000 dolar per metric ton, but the total price to supply to plant need to consider likes transportation process of this material. The raw material will be shipping from China to the port Kuantan, Pahang in bulk quantities. Then the material will be send by cargo truck services from port to the plant. Besides that, the transport of materials and products to and from the plant will be an overriding consideration in site selection. If practicable, a site should be selected that is close to at least two major forms of transport like road, rail, waterway (canal or river), or a sea port. The least expensive method of shipping is usually by water; the most expensive is by truck. Road transport is suitable use for local distribution from a central warehouse. For long distance transport especially for bulk of chemicals, rail or airway transport is suitable transport use in term of saving costs and cheaper. Besides, for convenient and efficient for the movement of personnel and essential equipment and suppliers, air transports is the main transport facilities use. Gebeng industrial land is easily accessible by road via the East Coast Expressway connecting to Gebeng By-Pass and Kuantan By-Pass. It is also near the Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport, Kuantan, about 36km away and Kuantan Port about 10 km away as well as Kemaman Port, about 45 km away. Besides that, Kuantan-Kerteh Railway Linking the Kerteh Industrial Area and Kuantan Port located only to its right, makes it located more strategically. The main requirement for every plant and industry is the availability of electricity. It is the most important utilities to plant for every activity such as production, run of equipment or activities in the office. It supposed to have electricity with minimal impact to its surrounding and environment. Some industry generates their own electricity by their own generator but in most industry and plant in Malaysia, the electricity is provided by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). The main electricity supplier in Gebeng Industrial Estate also Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). The electricity supply provided by TNB for Phase I and II is supported by its 132/11kV main intake and for Phase III, two sources of electricity supply are available which Centralised Utility Facilities (CUF) and 12/275kV main intake. Water also one of the most important component in industry either fresh water or water used in equipment. The water is required for large industrial as well as general purposes, starting with w ater for cooling, washing, steam generation and as a raw material in the production of ethylene glycol. The water supply in Gebeng Industrial Estate is supplied from the Semambu Water Treatment Plant. The current capacity of water supply is 2MG/D. The Government of Pahang is committed in ensuring an efficient water supply in Gebeng. The steps that have been taken are by increasing the water supply to 64 MG/D, build a building of a new 200 acre dam in Sungai Lembing, Kuantan as well as build a building of new pipes and water tanks in Gebeng Industrial Estate. Last but not least, the main telecommunication supplier in Gebeng Industrial Estate is Telekom Malaysia. They provide state-of-the-art facilities and services such as Integrated Systems Digital Network (ISDN), digital line, MAYPAC, Internet and video conferencing. For fire fighting facilities, the Pahang Fire and Rescue Department is located near Gebeng in order to handle any emergencies. In addition, located within the vicinity of Gebeng is Petronas Centralised Emergency Facilities. Both stations are equipped with HAZMAT (hazardous material) facilities. Another services provided is the Gebeng Emergency Mutual Aid (GEMA), a voluntary crisis management organisation, set up from an alliance between Government agencies and private manufacturers in Gebeng. The main objective of GEMA is to execute proactive action and they also offer expert services to counter emergencies.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Disdainful Use of Names in Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49 :: Crying Lot 49 Essays

The Disdainful Use of Names in Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49 While reading Pynchon’s, The Crying of Lot 49, I found myself fascinated with the names of the characters. I tried to analyze them and make them mean something, but it seems that Pynchon did not mean for the names to have a specific meaning. This deduction made me think about the satirical nature of the naming of the characters. Which led me to muse on the chaotic nature of the naming. The apparent disdain for the characters by their naming seems to imply that the author is poking fun at the reader and society through the characters. The first character is Oedipa Maas and the reader cannot help but immediately think of Oedipus the King and the implications of that naming. As I read, I was on the alert for the characteristics of the Oedipus story. Although Oedipa does have a mystery to solve in the novel, I found I really could not relate her to Oedipus in any other way. And what does ‘Maas’ mean? Mass, as in a solid mass? Mass, as in the Catholic rite? Is Oedipa perhaps performing a rite of some kind? These questions plagued me as I read and by the conclusion of the story, I was no wiser. Then there is Oedipa’s husband, Mucho Maas. What kind of a name is Mucho? It implies, to me at least, that Mucho is somehow superior to his wife. But as the story progresses, Mucho seems to become less and less. Perhaps a comment by Pynchon on the declining status of a husband in American society? Perhaps a satirical jab at the rising state of women’s rights as equal instead of subordinate in a marriage? Whatever it means, the name Mucho didn’t seem to fit the character. Next we encounter Oedipa’s therapist. His character was bizarre from beginning to end. His name, Dr. Hilarious, worked for me. His name was fitting in many ways. That he goes berserk in the end was a fitting touch in depicting a shrink. His character was ‘hilarious’ in a way. I mean, come on, what therapist actually believes in telepathy? The absent character in the book, Pierce Inverarity, is a puzzle. The closest definition for Inverarity that I could find in the dictionary was a definition for ‘inveracity’. Inveracity means untruthfulness, which is fitting for the absent Pierce, since we never do discover if the man is actually dead or not.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ancient history Essay

Lebanon   French: Republique libanaise), is a country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. Lebanon’s location at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Basin and the Arabian hinterland has dictated its rich history, and shaped a cultural identity of religious and ethnic diversity. [8] The earliest evidence of civilization in Lebanon dates back more than 7,000 years—predating recorded history. [9] Lebanon was the home of the Phoenicians, a maritime culture that flourished for nearly 2,500 years (3000–539 BC). Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the five provinces that comprise modern Lebanon were mandated to France. The French expanded the borders of Mount Lebanon, which was mostly populated by Maronite Catholics and Druze, to include more Muslims. Lebanon gained independence in 1943, and established a unique political system, known as confessionalism, a power-sharing mechanism based on religious communities. French troops withdrew in 1946. Before the Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990), the country experienced a period of relative calm and prosperity, driven by tourism, agriculture, and banking. [10] Because of its financial power and diversity, Lebanon was known in its heyday as the â€Å"Switzerland of the East†. [11] It attracted large numbers of tourists,[12] such that the capital Beirut was referred to as â€Å"Paris of the Middle East. † At the end of the war, there were extensive efforts to revive the economy and rebuild national infrastructure. [13] Until July 2006, Lebanon enjoyed considerable stability, Beirut’s reconstruction was almost complete,[14] and increasing numbers of tourists poured into the nation’s resorts. [12] Then, the month-long 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah caused significant civilian death and heavy damage to Lebanon’s civil infrastructure. However, due to its tightly regulated financial system, Lebanese banks have largely avoided the financial crisis of 2007–2010. In 2009, despite a global recession, Lebanon enjoyed 9% economic growth and hosted the largest number of tourists in its history. Etymology The name Lebanon comes from the Semitic root lbn, meaning â€Å"white†, likely a reference to the snow-capped Mount Lebanon. [15] Occurrences of the name have been found in texts from the library of Ebla,[16] which date to the third millennium BC, nearly 70 times in the Hebrew Bible, and three of the twelve tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh (perhaps as early as 2100 BC)[17]. The name is recorded in Ancient Egyptian as Rmnn, where R stood for Canaanite L. [18] Ancient history Main article: History of ancient Lebanon Evidence of the earliest known settlements in Lebanon was found in Byblos, which is considered to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world,[9] and date back to earlier than 5000 BC. Archaeologists discovered remnants of prehistoric huts with crushed limestone floors, primitive weapons, and burial jars left by the Neolithic and Chalcolithic fishing communities who lived on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea over 7,000 years ago. [19] Lebanon was the homeland of the Phoenicians, a seafaring people that spread across the Mediterranean before the rise of Cyrus the Great. [20] After two centuries of Persian rule, Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great attacked and burned Tyre, the most prominent Phoenician city. Throughout the subsequent centuries leading up to recent times, the country became part of numerous succeeding empires, among them Persian, Assyrian, Hellenistic, Roman, Eastern Roman, Arab, Seljuk, Mamluk, Crusader, and the Ottoman Empire.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Holland Theory and Application Essay

John Holland made his mark from 1953-1556 while working at Vocational Counseling Service in Perry Point Veterans Hospital followed by his work as the Director of Research for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. His work at these two organizations leads to the first edition of Vocational Preference Inventory. In 1959, John Holland was published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology for his vocational theory (Gottfredson & Johnstun, 2009). He established his theory of matching people to vocations in the world of work. Although the trait and factor approach was established in 1909, John Holland took it a step further using the Army as his model (Bolles & Figler, 1999). John Holland was quoted, â€Å"I am a psychologist who pays attention to the obvious† (Bolles & Figler, 1999, p. 63). This was the theme of his theory. Holland theory is about the fit of the individual to the work environment. Some clients will be better suited for certain working environments and poorly matched to others (Anderson & Vandehey, 2012). The Holland theory is based on identification of people environment, skills, and values leading into six occupational categories known as ‘RIASEC’ (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) (Bolles & Figler, 1999). Although each category is consider a unaltered type of personality most clients will not fit into just one type. Holland’s theory assigns them a set of two or three of the types (Anderson & Vandehey, 2012). The first of Holland’s types, realistic, are clients who have athletic or mechanical ability, work with objects, machines, tools, plants, animals and the outdoors. Realistic client will be competent in reading blue prints, repair of furniture, making mechanical types of drawings, using special instruments such as a voltmeter, and will also have good math and mechanical backgrounds. They will also have interests in woodwork, metal work, and easily work with tools. Some realistic occupations would include radio operator, civil engineer, machinist, or piano tuner (Bolles & Figler, 1999). The next type, investigative, will be clients who like to observe, learn, analyze, investigative, solve problems or evaluate in general. Their proficiencies include scientific and technical training using a slide rule or microscope, using a logarithmic table, describes white blood cells by their uses, interpret chemical formulas, and understand the workings of a vacuum tube. These clients readily enjoy scientific books, lab work, chemistry, math puzzles, and normally take several classes in physics, math, and biology. Investigative job opportunities could be physician, math teacher, lab technician, or oceanographer (Bolles & Figler, 1999). The artistic clients, Holland’s third type, are innovating or intuitive thinkers, like to work in unrestrictive environments, and tend to be extremely creative or imaginative. Skills for creative people would contain playing a musical instrument, choir, designing, creating photography or art, or read/write poetry. Artistic types, according to Holland, would enjoy sketching, attending plays, taking an art class, or reading popular fiction. Occupations for these clients can be drama coach, advertising executive, photographer, or foreign language interpreter (Bolles & Figler, 1999). Holland’s fourth types of clients, social, like to work with people by informing, helping, training, or are skilled with words. These clients will feel competent with peers older than them, easily plan a school or church function, and are good judge of others personalities. They will belong to clubs, write letters, attend sports events, go to parties, help others with personal problems, and like to meet new people. Director of social services, employment representative, counselor, recreation administrator, and Foreign Service officer are a few of the occupations well suited for a social Holland code (Bolles & Figler, 1999). Enterprising, Holland’s fifth code, are comprised of clients that a people-influencing, leaders, persuaders, or economic goal friendly. They easily sell, influence others, give pep talks, meet important people, and discuss politics. In college or high school these clients were elected to office, organized clubs, debated, supervised the work of others, or acted as a spokesperson for a cause. They become bankers, personnel recruiters, labor arbitrators, insurance managers, and small business owners (Bolles & Figler, 1999). The conventional is the last of Holland’s types. Conventional types like to work with data and carrying out in detailed instructions. They have the ability to file correspondence, work in office setting, type 40 words per minute, use shorthand, post credits and debits, and keep accurate records. They may have done bookkeeping, operated business machines, written business letters, or maintain neat records and files. Conventational types are often employed as accountants, credit managers, payroll clerks, bookkeepers, library assistants or personnel secretary (Bolles & Figler, 1999). Holland realized that not every client would fit into a type nice and neatly hence the Holland two or three codes are established in order to have a person in a job that would give work satisfaction. They are several resources available to clients and counselors to aid in discovering a client’s RIASEC code. The Self-Directed Search (SDS) was first published in 1970 and was development by John Holland. The advantage of this assessment is that it is intended for the college or adult setting. The written version not only includes the assessment but also Holland’s Occupation Finder (OF) booklet for a counselor to use with their clients. Holland also created a seven page booklet, You and Your Career, that can be used to enhance the SDS and OF with suggestions for effective career planning (Reardon & Lumsden, 2002). Later, Holland, with Amy Powell, created SDS Career Explorer designed for middle school students along with his booklet Exploring Your Future with the SDS. Along with the assessment are several tools for educators and students alike. Holland, along with several other colleagues, has expanded the abilities of instruments to include measures for stability, environment, and additional resource to ensure understanding of the instruments and proper use and application (Reardon & Lumsden, 2002). In my world of career counseling, I apply Holland’s theory of putting the right client into the best fit for client. I agree with his theory that if a client is not using the skills or interests that they enjoy that will have poor performance. This ultimately in my opinion leads to job hopping, lack of self-efficacy, and depression. I have the advantage of money on my side and we use the program Discover for most assessments. However, I do not always jump to test. By having knowledge of Holland theory and his types and code match through counselor I am able to get a client to find their career goals on their own without test. With my â€Å"type† of client they do not want to sit through testing no matter how short it is, they already have to study for their current jobs, college classes, and advancement exams. I try to incorporate Holland’s theory daily which can have its drawbacks. They occupation that my client would be good at may not have openings or worse the Navy does not have it, so I try help them compromise with community service or college course that would satisfy their needs. Over the last ten years, I have learned that I am not the answer person more like their vessel to maintenance phase of their transition cycles (Anderson & Vandehey, 2002). I could not trade in the feeling of when I see them finally figure out what they want to do when the grow up.

Hunting by Kristina Kilbourne Essay

The culture being explored in the essay â€Å"Hunting† by Kristina Kilbourne is one regarding hunting and changes in its overall perception by the public throughout the past two centuries. The narrative also explores the benefits and costs to society of promoting the hunting culture in modern-day America. No explicit and concise definition of hunting and the culture is provided. However, the entire introduction does provide a clear and detailed explanation of the players involved in the hunting culture as well as where, why, and to what extent such a culture exists in the United States. The stereotypes concerning hunting presented in the passage depict it as an inhumane practice that does not consider the environment. However, the writer also points out a growing media understanding of the population and ecological benefits that hunting presents for the environment. She uses examples from published population demographics concerning the animals most hunted, and demonstrates how hunters contribute to wildlife preservation through activism and contribution of taxes. Kilbourne describes the history and values of the hunting culture by providing information concerning the historical population trends that show hunting as important in population control. She also shows hunters’ values by pointing out their dedication to preserving the populations of the animals they hunt. To substantiate this, the author uses real-life examples of hunters she knows and demonstrates their attention to hunting population trends. In providing research evidence for exploring the stereotype, Kilbourne hints at scientific evidence concerning the necessity of hunting in preventing animal populations from getting too large to be sustained within the environment. However, had this evidence been more explicitly presented and explained, the argument would have been stronger. Other evidence presented includes testimonials from the author’s husband who is a hunter. While this anecdotal information was of some value, the fact that this took up half the essay reduces its overall impact. The reason for this is that such information may be biased, since it comes from a source that is a close relative of the author. Furthermore, the overuse of this source had the effect of reducing the variability of the sources within the paper. The format of the paper is adequate as far as in-text citations go. Since the sources were taken mainly from the internet, one understands why no page numbers were provided. The author might have considered providing paragraph numbers, however, as well as providing the URL’s for the sources on the works cited page. For the first two paragraphs, Kilbourne does provide lead-in and topic sentences. However, no topic sentences are provided for the last three paragraphs. The writer does provide direct quotes as well as paraphrasing of the sources. Most of the works cited sources do match the in-text citations, though in one instance the Ohio citation would have been better replaced with the author (Myers’) last name.